

nibble at me

nibble at me.
don't gulp me down.
how often is it you have a guest in your house
who can fix everything?

That's right...everything. I just finished my last night of the vine life series at church. My small group girls and I were able to experience the sweet yet bold words of a woman who spoke to us each Tuesday evening. One evening, a lady shared her testimony and described each of us as a piece of glass. We are jagged, jaded, and imperfect. But the waves of the ocean that toss us back and forth against rock after rock molds us to something new. Something beautiful. Something with soft edges, a smooth surface, and a beauty that makes it difficult not to pick up and hold. The waves of the ocean are like the love of God. He never promises us that we won't have troubles. He never throws us in the ocean for us to get lost at sea. He puts us there for us to learn.

Each rock that I'm thrown against helps me understand something a little bit more about myself, and about Him. His greatest desire is for us to love Him. And by us loving Him, we are able to love others. The way that we don't want to love others. The way that we think it's impossible to love others. Those irritating, hard rocks that we'd rather just ignore and go around in the sea. We are supposed to love them. Even though they hurt us. They are shaping us and molding us to become something exquisite.

It's difficult to surrender a part of my life that I would like soverymuch to control. And I know that I am going to face words and actions that will hurt me and tear at me and try to bring me down. But that's not my battle. It's His. And this part of my life is not working. And I can't fix it. He can. Better than I, and better than any other craftsman in the world. He knows my heart better than I do. And He knows what I need better than I do. So He takes it from me to fix it. And I pray for peace. And then I pray for more peace. And then I sit back, sit still, and let Him do His work.

"Behold, I make all things new." - Revelation 21:5

what a promise. all things. and man is He good.

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