
keep calm.

life is getting crazy,
right before it gets crazier.

these "keep calm" messages are all over the place.

there are some cute ones:
weird ones: 
bizaar ones:
scary ones:

loving ones:
desperate ones:

ones that remind me of others:

my bacon-loving sistercat
my older sissy who just discovered nutella two months ago.
true story.
round of applause!

my lovely friend, jamie, who's a pharmacist at target

my best friend, kelly, and all my other best nursey friends
some that remind me of me:
some words to live by:

and one that reminds me of what is most important,
and to literally let go.

all of these quirky signs show evidence that God really does give us the desires of our hearts.

i came across an old devotional while cleaning out a drawer this morning.
per usual, the bookmarked page was something i needed to read.
i am searching for houses in a new town [more on that later],
and there are things that i need want, 
and there are things that i do not wish to be anywhere near.
but after reading the devotion,
i was reminded of God's greatness.

it was about a couple living in a tiny house during the husband's seminary school.
there was peeling paint, and ceilings about to cave in.
their income went to tuition, rent, and groceries.
the wife needed victory in the area of her heart's desires and dreams.
A prayer principle was born, "if God doesn't meet it, you didn't need it"

how true is that.
how silly i am, to think that He would overlook my desires.
but also to think that He wouldn't give me what i needed.

i was trying to take control again.
i know that He already knows exactly where i am going to live.
i can't worry.

psalm 84:11 tells us, "no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly."

amen, amen, amen.

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