
all you who hope.

look at that sweet face!

i got this gem from kari over at my crazy adoption.
she writes about being a mother, and caring for orphans.
she is an advocate for what God has called us to do.
james 1:27 says,
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows  in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

this is a command.
because i know the love of God,
and i know that i am adopted by Him,
and because He sent His only son to die for me,
i want to carry out His commands.
the first and foremost command is to love others.
this isn't others that you choose to be in your life.
this is others that He chooses.
as Christians, 
we are called to show others His face daily.
so that people may look to us and see His great works.
i want to live my life so that when i die,
angels will rejoice in heaven,
and people on earth will seek out who made me want to live.
because Jesus was the greatest gift i've ever received.
and he is 
real love.
being filled with joy
allows me to have hope for all things.
and JOY comes to you by putting:
Jesus first
Others second
Yourself last

plaainnn and simple.

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